Password protecting PDF files provides a layer of security for sensitive documents. This is required if you share documents via a USB drive. If you password protect a document that you are sending to another party via a USB drive please call them and give them the password. Do not include the password in the transmission. Make sure to choose a complex password made up of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
You can use Kofax Power PDF to password protect PDF as follows:
- Open the desired PDF using Kofax Power PDF. You can do this by right clicking the target PDF file and choosing ‘Open With” Kofax Power PDF.
- Click the ‘Security‘ Tab at the top
- Click the icon for ‘Manage Security‘ and then ‘modify‘
- When the Document Properties window opens up, select the ‘Security’ tab and then ‘Password Security‘ from the Security Method drop down.
- Check ‘Allow document opening only by password‘ and enter your desired password in the Document Open Password dialog box.
Here is a demonstration of the process: