Export/Import Chrome Bookmarks & Internet Explorer Favorites

Here is how you can manually transfer your Chrome Bookmarks and IE Favorites from your Windows 7 to Windows 10:


  1. Click on the 3 dots in the top right of the Chrome Window

2. Click on Bookmarks and then Bookmark Manager

3. In Bookmark Manager, click the 3 dots on the right and choose Export or Import depending on what you are doing.

If you are in Windows 7 choose Export and save the bookmark_xxxx.html file on your Citrix Desktop

When you are Windows 10 and want to Import your bookmarks, do steps 1-3 and when in Bookmark Manager, choose Import and navigate to the bookmark_xxxx.html file you saved on the Desktop in Windows 7.


In Windows 7 Internet Explorer, Click the Favorites Star Icon

Click the down arrow in the Favorites drop down

Choose “Import and export”

Choose “Export to a file”

On the next screen select Favorites, Feeds and Cookies.

Click through the next screen that asks where to import from.

Just click through to select the base Favorites.

When it asks you where to save, I recommend saving it to the Desktop (rather than Documents)

In Windows 10 Edge click the similar Favorites Star Icon

Click the 3 dots for “More Options”

Choose Import Favorites and navigate to your Citrix Desktop when you saved the favorites file from Internet Explorer.