Increasing Size of Display Elements (Text, Icons, etc.) in Windows 10

Please see the instructions below with screenshots to learn how to increase the size of text, icons, etc., in Windows 10. Thanks to Josh for discovering and sharing these.

  • First, click on the Windows start menu in Citrix. Just above it you will see a power button, and above that, a gear-shaped icon for settings. Click on the gear icon to open settings. Then click on “System.” The first thing you will see there is Display settings.
  • Now click on “Advanced scaling settings.” (See Screenshot ).
  • In the empty field under “Custom scaling,” enter 125 and click the “Apply” button. (See Screenshot 2, attached).

Note you will have to log out of Citrix and back in again for these changes to take effect. If, after logging back in, everything is still too small, simply repeat the above steps, changing the scaling from 125 to 150%.