Interpretation by Telephone (IBT)
- Call 866-937-7325 for a qualified interpreter
- When greeted by a coordinator, give our Account Code
- Request the language needed or ask for assistance in identifying the language.
- Hold momentarily while your interpreter is connected. Once on the line, you will be notified and provided the interpreters ID number. Please note – you will be responsible for calling your client, not the interpreter.
- Explain the objective of the call to the interpreter. Then proceed by speaking directly to the Limited English Proficient speaker in the first person. Example: “What is your name?” NOT “Ask her what her name is.”
- Upon completion of the call, all parties should simply hang up. Your time will be automatically recorded.
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)
Video Remote Interpreting is available on a case-by-case basis, but must be approved by your Managing Attorney.
- Visit
- Login
- Choose ‘Video Remote Interpreting’ and follow the prompts.
- Connect to the Interpreter and provide all intake/pertinent background information, including the name of the client, any professionals or family members that will take place in the session and a brief summary of the session subject.
- Position the device to be used for the interpretation so that the Deaf client and interpreter can see each other clearly. The interpreter must be able to see the Deaf patient and Deaf family members on the screen (if they are a part of the conversation).
- Position yourself next to, or behind the laptop, so your client can see both you and the interpreter.
- If you need to leave the room for a period of time, disconnect with the interpreter and reconnect later with another interpreter when you are ready.