February 13, 2023Learning Center, Office Tips Why can’t I open PDF from this Agency web site? Use Adobe Reader to Open PDFs from the Web Often when you click a PDF file from various agency websites, you will get a message saying your PDF reader needs to […]
January 24, 2023January 24, 2023Learning Center, LegalServer Trainings, Staff Training, Uncategorized LegalServer Outreaches Training You can download the outreaches instructions here.
January 24, 2023February 16, 2023Learning Center, Staff Training Protected: General Advocacy Training Series There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
December 21, 2022December 21, 2022Computer Tips, Learning Center, Office Tips, Tech Orientation, Tech Tips, Xerox/Printing/Scanning Tips How can I scan documents when I’m not in the office? Genius Scan The best way is to use the application ‘Genius Scan.’ It does a fantastic job of scanning multiple pages. It […]
November 1, 2022November 1, 2022Learning Center, Staff Training, Uncategorized How to Become a Notary in Massachusetts Notary Training Materials Presentation Slides
September 17, 2022November 7, 2022Learning Center, Staff Training, Uncategorized Protected: Housing Training Series 2022 There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
August 22, 2022August 22, 2022Learning Center, LegalServer Trainings, Tech Orientation Protected: LegalServer Case Closing Demo There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
August 15, 2022August 16, 2022Uncategorized Oops, I accidentally upgraded to Windows 11! How do I go back to Windows 10? Note: You only have 10 days from ‘upgrading’ to Windows 11 to go back to Windows 10 Going back to Windows 10 […]
August 12, 2022August 12, 2022Learning Center, LegalServer Trainings, Uncategorized LegalServer Pro Bono Tools Training